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Translation missing: en.cart.general.continue_browsing🐍Happy Lunar New Year🧧Use code [SPRING] to enjoy 40% off when buying any 3 selected products! Receive FREE Swisse Ultiboost Vitamin C + D Zinc & Echinacea Efferverscent 40 Tablets upon spending $1000!
✨Swisse Beauty Cellular Activation NMN is now available at an exclusive price of $1899✨Use code [NMN200] to get extra $200 off!
Swisse Ultiboost Liver Detox has been formulated based on traditional research to provide herbs beneficial to liver health. It supports liver health.
Swisse Ultiboost Liver Detox contains ingredients that support the liver, which assists the detoxification process. The liver is the largest internal organ in the human body and renders all kinds of toxic substances harmless. Swisse Ultiboost Liver Detox is made to high quality standards and contains St. Mary’s thistle, used as a liver tonic to help support liver health and function. A healthy liver supports the detoxification process.
Swisse Ultiboost Liver Detox supports:
Take two tablets daily, during or immediately after a meal, or as directed by a healthcare professional.
Do not use if pregnant or likely to become pregnant. If you have concerns or questions, ask the advice of your healthcare professional to determine if this health supplement is right for you. This is especially important if you have obstruction of bile ducts or gall stones.
If you’ve any feedback or questions, please feel free to contact us
Bulking agent (Calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, Microcrystalline cellulose, Povidone), Curcuma longa rhizome extract, Coating (Bulking agent (Hypromellose), Colour (Titanium dioxide, Iron oxide yellow, Chlorophyllin-copper complex), Stabiliser (Polyvinyl alcohol-part hydrolyzed), Glazing agent (Macrogol 8000, Macrogol 400, Carnauba wax, Macrogol), Anticaking agent (Talc), Emulsifier (Polysorbate 80)), Silybum marianum fruit extract, Choline bitartrate, Cynara scolymus dry leaf extract, Anticaking agent (Silicon dioxide, Magnesium stearate), Emulsifier (Croscarmellose sodium, Crospovidone)
Nutritional Information (Per Serving)
Servings Per Package: 60 | Serving Size: 2.2 g (2 Tablets)
Energy 6 kJ
Protein 0.0 g
Total Fat 0.04 g
- Saturated Fat 0.04 g
- Trans Fat 0.0 g
現代生活壓力大,節奏越來越快飲食生活都需要注 意身體。身體才是革命的本錢,同時肝是最主 要的人體器官。
皮膚發黃暗沉 容易疲倦、食慾不振、肝功能唔好就排唔出毒素堆積在體內對我們自身健康不利!
長期大量飲酒是導致肝損傷的主要原因之一,去年接觸喝酒到現在出門隨身攜帶 Swisse Ultiboost 護肝排毒片都好方便呀!
薑黃素:幫助加速腸胃蠕動的,難免應酬的時候都 會來點 Swisse
Swisse Ultiboost 護肝排毒片具有解酒、減輕肝臟損害的功 效,用於緩解醉酒、肝臟受損,又能緩解情緒壓 力,有時候工作壓力大,加班的時候都會來上一粒
裏面奶薊草、朝鮮薊、薑黃中草藥,有助於促進酒精向 體外代謝,達到解酒效果,改善醉酒情況;減輕肝 髒損害,奶薊草、薑黃均對肝臟有一定保護作用,想要保護肝臟提前預備起來!而家網上訂購亦都非常方便送貨上門,而且絕對保證係正貨。
© Swisse Wellness PTY LTD 2025